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Master of Arts in Speech Pathology & Audiology

Master of Arts in Speech Pathology & Audiology

The Master of Arts degree (MA) program in speech-language pathology is designed to provide the academic and practicum experiences that will develop clinical competence in the management of speech, hearing, and language disorders.

The program offers sequential and simultaneous academic coursework, supervised clinical practicum, and research experiences that enable students to meet the requirements for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and licensure by the South Carolina Board of Examiners in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Successful completion of the program also requires the satisfactory completion of a comprehensive examination in speech-language pathology. Graduate courses are offered in the evening with clinical practicums and seminars during the day.

Paths to a Master of Arts

  M.A. with a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology M.A. without a background in speech pathology

Minimum semester hours*

Minimum 36 semester hours 18 prerequisite semester credit hours and 36 semester credit hours
Program completion 2 years/6 semesters 3 years/9 semesters

*Minimum hours may increase based on current ASHA requirements.

Both Paths

Time limit for degree completion
All required course work must be completed within 6 years
Application for gradation
Graduation Eligibility form Graduation Application Exit survey
Once per semester with graduate advisor to review POS and academic good standing
Praxis II
Praxis must be taken prior to graduation. (During SPA 593) Passing Score = 162 or better

Master of Speech Pathology Curriculum

Clinical Practicum Requirement

Each student must have obtained at least 400 clock hours of supervised clinical practicum prior to graduation. Twenty-five (25) hours must be spent in clinical observation, and 375 in direct client/patient contact. At least 325 of the 400 clock hours must be completed at the graduate level.

Policies & Procedures

All policies and procedures on academic course work and clinical practicum are updated periodically in accordance with guidelines established by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and the state of South Carolina regarding accreditation, certification, and licensure. All current changes will be listed in the SPA Graduate Student Handbook, which is distributed upon admission to the program.


The Master’s degree (MA) program in Speech-Language Pathology (residential) at South Carolina State University is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.

Visit the Department of Speech Pathology