Barbara L. Adams
Dr. Barbara L. Adams is executive director of the SC State Insititute for Business, Environment, Communications and Transportation (BECT), where she Initiates programs in business, environmental science, communications and transportation and provides oversight and leadership for the institute.
- BS., Business Administration, Fort Valley State College
- MBA - Atlanta University
- Ph.D. - Texas A & M University
Prior to her role at the BECT Institute, Dr. Adams was dean of the SC State College of Business and Information Systems. Her research interests include auditing, corporate governance, accounting ethics, entrepreneurship and pedagogical tools in accounting education. She has published in practitioner and academic journals to include the Journal of Business Ethics, Internal Auditor, The CPA Journal, The Practical Accountant, Journal of Education for Business, Business Education Innovation Journal, Accounting Today, The Southern Business and Economics Journal, Journal of Oil & Gas Accounting, The Journal of American Academy of Business, and the American Journal of Business Education. In addition, she serves on the editorial review boards of the Accounting Educators Journal and the Southern Business and Economics Journal.
Adams has been the principal investigator on several grants and is currently the principal investigator on a USDA Capacity Building grant and a S.C. Department of Commerce grant on “Advancing the Food and Fiber Sector through Innovation and Entrepreneurship.” She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, South Carolina Association of CPAs, Institute of Internal Auditors, and the South Carolina Association of Accounting Educators.
MBA Program - ACCT 510 - Accounting for Business Decisions ; ACCT 520 - Tax & Legal Issues for Small Businesses.
The CPA Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, The Practical Accountant, the Journal of Education for Business, Business Education Innovation Journal, Accounting Today, The Southern Business and Economics Journal, Journal of Oil & Gas Accounting, The Journal of American Academy of Business, and the American Journal of Business Education.