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SC State’s Hong wins third best paper award at international conference

Author: Sam Watson, Director of University Relations|Published: June 12, 2024|All News, Faculty & Staff News

Dr. Jae-Dong Hong
ORANGEBURG, S.C. – South Carolina State University’s Dr. Jae-Dong Hong, a professor of industrial engineering, received his third best paper award at an international conference this spring.

The Southwest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI) conference celebrated its 53rd anniversary at Galveston, Texas, April 10-13.  The conference included professors and researchers from eight divisions worldwide -- five in the Americas, one in Europe and three in Asia and the Asian Pacific.

Each year, SWDSI selects one top paper for the Distinguished Paper Award, which Hong won for “An Integrated Efficiency Evaluation Approach with Stratification-DEA and Data Clustering Method.”

According to Hong, when various researchers attempt to integrate data envelopment analysis (DEA) into big data, there are two serious barriers:

  • The excessive running time required to solve a large set of units in the big data context.
  • The inconsistent results generated by DEA.

Hong’s award-winning paper demonstrates that the proposed method can eliminate these two critical barriers. For example, it takes around 6,000 seconds to evaluate 1,000 units using DEA.  Hong said the proposed method takes only 6.5 seconds, generating more consistent results.

Hong has been nominated for a best paper/research award seven times at various international conferences, winning three. His previous two awards came in 2016 and 2021 from the Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.

He holds a bachelor’s degree from Korea University, Korea, and his master’s degree and Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University, University Park, all in industrial engineering.

For more information on SC State’s Industrial Engineering Program, visit Reach Hong at or 803-536-8861.