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Budget Office FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I view my budget?  

A: A summary of the budget can be viewed in Banner on the FGIBAVL screen. This screen details the Adjusted Budget, Year-to-Date Activity, Commitments, and the Available Balance.  

Q: How do I view what was charged to my account?  

A: To view what was charged to your account, you would utilize the FGIBDST screen. The screen details the amount charged to the specific account pool and the vendor associated with the payment.  

Q: How do I submit a requisition?  

A: To submit a requisition, you would utilize the FPAREQN screen in Banner. Please note that for Scholarship, Stipend and Travel Requisitions, the form should be submitted through DocuSign. For additional assistance with requisitions in Banner, please contact Procurement.  

Q: How do I view my commitments?  

A: To view your commitments, you would utilize the FGIOENC screen in Banner.  

This screen will allow you to review the Purchase Order/Requisition Number, the Vendor, account code charged and the amount to be spent. For additional assistance, please contact Procurement.  

Q: How do I have a commitment liquidated?  

Answer: To have a commitment liquidated you would reach out to Procurement and/or Accounts Payable. If the commitment is unspent, you would contact Procurement for liquidation. If the commitment has incurred expenses, you would contact Accounts Payable for liquidation.  

Q: How do I transfer funds between my budget(s)?  

A: To transfer funds between your budget(s), prepare a Budget Amendment and follow the appropriate routing queues.  

*Please note that Account Pools for Personnel Services and Other Personnel Services cannot be used to transfer funds into Account Pools for Other Expenditures (Contractual Services, Supplies and Materials and etc.) and vice versa. 

Q: I had an employee paid from the incorrect index(es); how do I correct?  

A: To begin, reach out to Human Resources to ensure it was not a keying error. Then submit a SALARY REALLOCATION FORM to have the funds reallocated to appropriate index(es).  

*Please note that if the individual is paid through a Grant that their appropriate Time and Effort Reports with an explanation for the reallocation should be submitted along with the Salary Reallocation Form. If changes are needed to reflect in the system moving forward, you must also attach the appropriate Payroll Document.  

Q: How do I request a new position number for a P-14?

A: To obtain a position number, please submit an email to the Budget Office with the name of the position and the appropriate index to be charged. The Budget Office will review the information and provide you with the necessary information.  

Q: How do I verify my employees? 

A: To verify an employee you would utilize the NHIDIST screen in banner and the submitted Time and Effort Report (if grant).