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Kinda McInnis
Kinda McInnis

4-H Youth Development Agent, 1890 Extension, Pee Dee Region Pee Dee Region843-456-5174

Kinda McInnis

A 4-H youth development agent, McKinnis is a professional educator who provides leadership to the local 4-H program and manages its day-to-day operation. She oversees the program area and provides leadership to the regional 4-H youth development program. She organizes and conducts 4-H youth development project activities in the areas of STREAM, citizenship, financial management, healthy lifestyles, and volunteerism. She helps develop and implement 4-H youth development regional summer camp activities. She also provides leadership for 4-H Youth Development programs that meet the needs of youth regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, or religion. She networks and builds coalitions with other federal, state, and local agencies, organizations, and institutions to address the complex youth and family issues and needs of the 4-H Youth Development.


  • Bachelor of Science in early childhood education
  • Master of Science in leadership


McInnis has served 1890 Research and Extension as a 4-H Youth Development Agent since 2020.