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Enrollment Verification

Enrollment Verifications (Current Students)

Important Note: A student must Register for Courses, Validate Enrollment, and Pay Tuition and Fees or make Payment Arrangements to utilize the National Student Clearinghouse for the Current Term. Enrollment Verifications are not processed until after the DROP/ADD Period. All students must use the National Student Clearinghouse to obtain all enrollment verifications.

Current Students

SC State has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as the University agent in providing Enrollment Verifications for insurance purposes, student loans, future employment, military IDs, etc. Enrollment verifications may be requested for a specific term, or for a total enrollment history. This free service is available 24/7 to current students via SCSU Apps.

To access the National Student Clearinghouse, please:

Log on to SCSU Apps -

  • Click the “Registration” tab
  • Scroll down to “Enrollment Verification”
  • To the right of Enrollment Verification, click the fill screen box
  • Click “Here to process an enrollment verification”
  • Bubble in “Current Enrollment” to view your enrollment status for the current term or “All Enrollment” to view your entire enrollment history
  • Click “Obtain an enrollment certificate” to view and print an enrollment verification.

Enrollment Status

Undergraduate Students

Graduate Students


12 credit hours or more

9 credit hours or more


11 to 9 credit hours

8 to 7.6 credit hours


11 to 6 credit hours

8 to 6 credit hours


5 credit hours or less

5 credit hours or less



Third Parties and Inactive Students

SC State has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as the University agent for all verifications of student enrollment and awarded degrees. Third Parties & Inactive Students must use the Clearinghouse and there is a fee for this service.  Please visit the Clearinghouse online at and Select “Verify Now” or contact them by phone at 703-742-4200.