Stay Active with Intramural Sports
ntramural Sports’ mission is to provide activities and programs that enhance the wellness, fitness, and healthy lifestyles of students, faculty, and staff of SC State.
The Intramural Sports Program is one of the largest co-curricular activity programs that complement the formal academic curriculum. It offers extensive opportunities to currently enrolled SC State students, faculty, and staff to engage in competitive and structured activities each year. Participation in the program is voluntary and determined solely by interest.
Participation can provide one with opportunities to have fun, learn new sports, meet people from other cultures, test one's physical ability, as well as offer a break from the academic routine. Team sports generally take on a league structure and a post-season tournament to determine champions. Special events range from one-day to several-day tournaments. In most cases, skill levels and divisions are established to allow competition for men's, women's and co-educational teams.
Varsity sports athletes may not participate in the intramural sport that coincides with his/her varsity sport (i.e. football players – flag football; basketball players – basketball; softball players – softball, etc.)
The Intramural/Recreational Gym (Dukes Gymnasium) contains the Intramural Office, basketball/volleyball court, a small weight room facility, with outdoor courts located next to Mitchell Hall for free play.

In October 2023, the SC State Men's Intramural Basketball Club competed in a tournament at the University of South Carolina. Participating teams included South Carolina, Clemson, Davidson, LSU, UNCW, UCONN, VTECH and SC State. SC State was the only HBCU in the tournament. SC State won the championship beating South Carolina.Current Sports
- Kickball
- Flag Football
- Basketball
- Volleyball
How to participate
To sign up, visit
Every student who wants to play intramural sports has to sign up through this site and complete the waiver form.