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SC State’s National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education status renewed through 2029

Author: Sam Watson, Director of University Relations|Published: August 27, 2024|All News

Dr. Jagruti Sahoo, left, is among the cybersecurity experts on the SC State faculty.

ORANGEBURG, S.C. – South Carolina State University has been redesignated as a National Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense through the 2029 academic year by the National Security Agency (NSA).

SC State remains the only historically Black college or university (HBCU) in South Carolina to hold this designation.

This honor means that SC State is a leader in helping increase the understanding of cyber defense technology, policy, and practices — all to prevent and respond to cybersecurity events.

Dr. Nikunja Swain, chair of SC State’s Department of Computer Science and Mathematics and a professor of computer science, spearheaded the submission for the CAE Cyber Defense redesignation effort along with other faculty members within the department.

This redesignation -- along with the accreditation of our Computer Science Program by the Computing Accreditation Commission of Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology -- validates the quality of our Computer Science and Cybersecurity programs,” Swain said. “It helps us with recruitment, retention, getting external funding and training students in cybersecurity, which is a critical field with a huge shortage of workers.

“It also helps in the university is planning to expand its Cybersecurity Program by offering an online graduate program in cybersecurity and that the cyber defense designation helps to make that possible,” Swain said.

As the world operates increasingly in cyberspace, the threat from hackers and viruses multiplies. SC State’s Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with a concentration in cybersecurity fulfills the growing demand for experts in this field to serve in a wide variety of jobs in areas such as government, commerce and education.

The CAE aims to address the lack of awareness and participation in cybersecurity using a multi-tier approach to cybersecurity education, training, and awareness in the undergraduate curriculum.

“Your ability to meet the increasing demands of the program criteria will serve the nation well in contributing to the protection of the National Information Infrastructure,” Renae Weathers, the NSA’s National CAE program manager, wrote in a letter confirming the redesignation. “The National Cyber Strategy, September 2018, addresses the critical shortage of professionals with cybersecurity skills and highlights the importance of higher education as a solution to defending America’s cyberspace.”

Garnering redesignation resulted from a collaboration between Swain’s colleagues in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics and the College of Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics and Transportation. Swain also credited faculty in the SC State College of Business and Information Systems and the Criminal Justice Program.

He said the support of the SC State administration is key to the program’s contribution toward filling a national need.

Swain also thanked Dr. Kim Muschalek, a professor at San Antonio College and director of the Cyber Innovation & Education Center, for serving as a resource for SC State’s redesignation effort.