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Q&A: SC State junior hopes to inspire women to step up in world of technology

Author: Sam Watson, Director of University Relations|Published: January 25, 2024|All News, Student News

Orangeburg resident Dierra Haynes recently attended an artificial intelligence conference at Harvard and MIT.

Dierra Jasmine Haynes
ORANGEBURG, S.C. – South Carolina State University junior Dierra Jasmine Haynes knows computer science and cybersecurity are male-dominated fields. She wants to change that.

The 20-year-old Orangeburg resident has her sights set on a cybersecurity career with the FBI. She is one of four SC State students who attended a recent national artificial intelligence conference at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

University Relations asked her to answer a series of questions about her experience at the conference and her education at SC State.

Q: How did your visit to Harvard and MIT contribute to your professional development?

Haynes: I had the opportunity to see the beautiful city of Boston and meet some amazing, influential, and barrier-breaking individuals. There were many lovely and knowledgeable conversations, panels, discussions, and workshops held. In these events, I had the opportunity to network and socialize with HBCU students from Grambling State University and Norfolk State University, as well as CEOs, College Deans, Directors, Presidents, innovators, funders, and non-profit organizations. It was truly a wonderful experience that I will never forget.

The conference broadened my knowledge of so many amazing possibilities and changed my perspective of Artificial Intelligence as a whole. I cannot wait to incorporate my takeaways into my future endeavors to contribute to the vast field of computer science. It was truly a blessing being able to represent my HBCU at such an esteemed event.

Q: Why did you choose your major? 

Haynes: Selecting computer science as a major stemmed from my intrinsic curiosity and profound fondness for the world of computers. Since childhood, I have been very tech-savvy and have enjoyed disassembling, rearranging, and creating things. My major allows my creativity to flow endlessly.

Anything becomes possible with the right code, click of a button or use of the right tool. Sometimes it feels as if I have the world at the end of my fingertips. Technology is an essential part of my daily life and knowing that with the right skills, I can do anything is neat to me. Furthermore, knowing that if I harness my skills correctly, I could contribute to and better the lives of a few or even thousands of people is even more desirable.

Q: What are your goals for using your degree? 

Haynes: My goals once I obtain my degree are to be as successful as possible and to open doors for as well as be an example for others. Within my field, there are few women. Most jobs have predominantly male workforces and teams. I want other young, educated women like me to know and see that we can enter spaces like those and make a difference.

We should step up and not back down or feel intimidated by others. We should chase our dreams regardless of the odds or cons. Change starts with us. Also, another one of my goals is to one day work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). I want to be a cyber special agent, applying my skills and knowledge to real-world situations to catch criminals and save the lives of others. I plan to achieve these goals by working hard, putting more time and effort towards my studies, and never giving up or doubting myself.

Q: Please tell us about your campus involvement at SC State. 

Haynes: Here on the campus of The Illustrious South Carolina State University, I am involved in various aspects. Being that I am a Presidential Scholar, I am a proud member of the Emily Clyburn Honors College and have been since August of 2021. Furthermore, I am a member of the Association of Computational Machinery, National Society of Leadership and Success, Golden Key International Honor Society, Student Orientation Leaders, ITSMF College Mentorship Program, and a 2023 Grace Hopper Celebration Scholar.

Also, inside my department, I have been the leader of three National Cyber League Teams and a research project for the United States Navy, as well as a volunteer Computer Science and Mathematics tutor. Having the opportunity to partake in so many things comes with a multitude of wonderful experiences. It has also enhanced my skills, knowledge, and mindset. I feel as if I have grown a lot as an individual and a student.

Q: Please share a personal story that has helped shape your life. 

Haynes: One thing that has helped shape my life has been the transition from high school to college. Everyone speaks about how exciting it is, but no one speaks about the challenges you face. My transition was rough, but it contributed greatly to the person I am today.

Even, though I am from Orangeburg, it feels like I entered an entirely different world. After my graduation, everything changed drastically. I now had new responsibilities and a shifted focus. It was time to completely let go of the old and focus on the new. I had to take time to find and get to know myself before taking the next step. I had no idea what I wanted to go to college for or even what college I wanted to attend and had no one to guide me.

That is one of the many challenges of being a first-generation college student, no one’s footsteps to follow or to talk to that has taken the route that I am getting closer and closer to. However, in the end, I took a leap of faith and decided that South Carolina State University was the school for me.

So far, it has been the best thing that has happened to me. I have been growing, thriving, and partaking in phenomenal opportunities that were only dreams before.

Q: Who in your life or education has shaped your worldview and how? 

Haynes: The person in my life who has shaped my worldview is my mother. She taught me everything I know. She is the most hardworking, independent, caring, and nurturing person I know. If a person is in need and she can do something about it, she will without hesitation. She would give her last to another if she felt they needed it more than her. Being around her and seeing how she interacts with everyone else no matter her situation has made me look at the world differently.

I realized that keeping a positive attitude, walking by faith, and helping others is very important. You should not let others get in the way of your success no matter what. The world is a huge place with endless possibilities and opportunities, but we the people tend to block our potential and blessings by not working hard enough, getting distracted, and procrastinating. Her favorite saying is “Anything is possible with God, a little hard work and dedication.”