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Q&A: SC State’s Tammy Clubbs named divisional Staff Employee of the Year for her diligence and dedication to Enrollment Management

Author: Allie Harris-Beeks; Communications Specialist|Published: July 09, 2024|All News, Faculty & Staff News

Note: This is the first in a series of profiles of SC State University staff members who go the extra mile.

Tammy Clubbs
Tammy Clubbs
“I feel very humbled and honored that people took time to notice and care about the work that I do each day,” Tammy Clubbs said.

As South Carolina State University’s Director for Enrollment Management Marketing and CRM, Clubbs plays a vital role in helping to increase the university’s enrollment numbers. She has implemented new systems at the university to ensure first-time and returning students have easy access to online resources that help them matriculate through their academic careers. 

Clubbs is from St. Louis, Missouri, and received her Bachelor of Science in computer programming & systems analysis from Vatterott College. She started at the university in March 2022.

Clubbs recently received the Employee of the Year award for the Division of Enrollment Management for her diligence and dedication to her work.

Q: What motivates you to perform your best?

Clubbs: I am driven by the desire to ensure that all students have equal access to education. As a first-generation student myself, I am motivated to provide opportunities and to support students and their families before they even realize what questions they may have. Knowing that each year students are graduating from college due to the assistance I help provide is a huge reward.

Q: What is something about you that might surprise people?

Clubbs: I’m very shy and introverted. I’ve learned to push myself out of my comfort zone since life is so short.

Q: Who has been the biggest influence on your life and why?

Clubbs: In the past when asked this question I would always say God and then my mom. While that’s still true, I’ve had to add Dr. Manicia Finch, our vice president of enrollment management to this list. She not only is a wonderful leader, but she is also a great mentor who has helped inspire growth in me professionally.

Q: What has been your most memorable moment at SC State and why?

Clubbs: My family loves football. I loved watching the team score a touchdown during my first SC State football game.

Q: How has the university evolved since you’ve been here?

Clubbs: We’ve begun breaking ground and remodeling since I started. It’s exciting to see the new changes coming to campus.

Q: Do you have a motto and why?

Clubbs: Be an overcomer. When life gets hectic or I am having a bad day, I can play the song “Overcomer” by the late Mandisa to get my head on straight.

Tammy Clubbs award
Tammy Clubbs receives her recognition as Staff Employee of the Year for the Division of Enrollment Management from SC State Board of Trustees Chairman Douglas Gantt (left) and President Alexander Conyers.